Saturday, February 3, 2018

First Grave Yard Excursion

  This post displays some of the findings I found in one of our late night graveyard excursions.
   This marker was found at the Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. This grave marker is what
    you would call a Pedestal Tomb with an Urn or symbol at the    top. I was not able to find out much about the person who
     is buried here due to the low quality picture.                   

  This second maker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. This grave marker is
   what you would call a Cradle grave marker from its unique design being similar to that of a child's cradle. I was not able to get much information from this grave sight due to the low quality of the picture as well as the dates and name being faded overtime.

This third marker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. This grave maker is 
called a Box Tomb. I was not able to get much information about this grave due
to the dates and names being worn down overtime.

This fourth marker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. This grave marker is called a Die on Socket. The name of the person buried here is Allyson Jordon Key. She was born in 1975 and died in 2013. Not much information was given on her death.

This fifth marker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. This marker is called a Ledger. I was not able to collect much information about the person who was buried here due to the ledger not being in the most pristine state which is no doubt due to how long it must have been there.

This sixth marker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. This is called a mausoleum
and usually holds several members of the family inside the marble walls. The
    residents of this grave sight is a mystery even to the church. no information regarding 
the family has ever been found.

This seventh marker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul.
This is called a cross grave maker. I was not able to gather much information 
about the person due to the low quality of the picture.

This eighth marker was found in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. 
This is called a Slant marker and is more common today. The person here was named 
Edward Charles and was born in 1910 and died in 1974. The details about 
his death were not give.

This ninth maker was found at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and
     St. Paul. This is called a Obelisk marker. Not much information was

     able to be found due to the low quality of the picture.

This tenth and final marker was found at the St. Patrick Catholic Church. This maker is 

called a sarcophagus and this one is especially unique because the lid was open. 
I was not able to gather any personal details of the resident.

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